Why Langhouse?
People often ask us this. There's a simple answer but as with all good simple answers, it starts with a story. Our story
Hugo and I met twenty five years ago while awkward college students. We left home in our own separate directions, studied, travelled, and life happened. Then one day we met again.
This time we moved into together. It was a one room stone building barely any more than a shed. Later as we were outgrowing this small space, we thought about renovating a row of outbuildings into a bigger house. We drew up plans and dreamed up some crazy ideas but we couldn't get away from the footprint of the original building. However we looked at it, it was going to be a long house. Reminiscent of the Dartmoor or Scandinavian longhouses. And so the nickname Langhouse was born.
The project was too big for us. To build the Langhouse would have meant demolishing the whole row of buildings and starting from scratch. So we continued with our day jobs and started looking for other ways we could improve our lifestyle with what we had on hand.
Many days driving to and fro our office jobs through beautiful autumn sunrises were starting to take their toll on our spirit and creatively. Working from home became top of the lifestyle priority list. We renovated a workshop space with one simple premise in mind, to make things we would be proud to have in our own home and sell them. That was where Langhouse began.
Then when Player 3 entered the game, it became clear that working from home was not just a frivolous luxury allowing us to spend more time out with the camera. It means more time as a family, reading and strumming guitar and simply talking together over breakfast every day. It means running over the fields arms outstretched just to welcome a boy home from school. Memories that no amount of salary can replace.
What started as just a crazy dream is now the Langhouse workshop. And with it, we get to have a lifestyle that lets us explore this beautiful county, help out our friends and neighbours and make things, like this helping stool that we enjoy using in our home.
That is why Langhouse.